EY series originated from Fuji Heavy Industries in Japan. Over the years, it has selected high-level suppliers and adhered to Japanese control standards to ensure that the engine quality is always at the leading level in the industry, providing the most stable and reliable power for many agricultural machinery and construction machinery.
产品特点 | Productfeatures |
结构简单,操作容易 | Simple structure, easy operation |
极佳的可靠性和耐久性 | Excellent reliability and durability |
日常维护及保养方便 | Daily maintenance is convenient. |
型号 Model | EY20-3型 |
形式 Type | 空冷4冲程立式单缸汽油发动机 Air-cooled.4-cycle.single cylinder, horizontal P.T.O shaft |
气缸数-内径x冲程 Bore x stroke (mm) | 1-67x52 |
排气量 Displacement (ml) | 183 |
持续标定功率/转速 Continuous output (kw/r/min) | 2.24/3000 , 2.61/3600 |
最大扭矩/转速 MAX.torque (N-m(Kgf-m)/rpm) | 7.9/2400-3200 |
输出轴旋转方向 Direction of Rotation | 逆时针方向(面对输出轴端) Counterclockwise as viewed from P.T.O shaft |
使用燃料 Fuel | 车用汽油 Automobile gasoline |
燃料箱容积 Fuel tank capacity (L) | 3.8 |
点火方式 Ignition system | 无触点电子点火 Pointless flywheel magneto type |
起动方式 Starting system | 反冲式 Recoil starter |
调速方式 Governor | 离心重锤式 Centrifugal flyweight type |
净质量 Net weight (Kg) | 16 |
尺寸(全长x全宽x全高) Dimensions(L x W x H ) (mm) | 318x332x392 |
r/min ) | 4000±100 /1250±100 |