产品特点 | Productfeatures |
结构简单,操作容易 | Simple structure, easy operation |
极佳的可靠性和耐久性 | Excellent reliability and durability |
日常维护及保养方便 | Daily maintenance is convenient. |
型号 Model | EY28B/D型 |
形式 Type | 空冷4冲程立式单缸汽油发动机 Air-cooled.4-cycle.single cylinder, horizontal P.T.O shaft |
气缸数-内径x冲程 Bore x stroke (mm) | 1-75x62 |
排气量 Displacement (ml) | 273 |
持续标定功率/转速 Continuous output (kw/r/min) | 3.46/1500 (3000) , 4.05/1800 (3600) |
最大扭矩/转速 MAX.torque (N-m(Kgf-m)/rpm) | 23.4/1200-1600 ( 11.7/2400-3200 ) |
输出轴旋转方向 Direction of Rotation | 逆时针方向(面对输出轴端) Counterclockwise as viewed from P.T.O shaft |
使用燃料 Fuel | 车用汽油 Automobile gasoline |
燃料箱容积 Fuel tank capacity (L) | 5.5 |
点火方式 Ignition system | 无触点电子点火 Pointless flywheel magneto type |
起动方式 Starting system | 反冲式 Recoil starter |
调速方式 Governor | 离心重锤式 Centrifugal flyweight type |
净质量 Net weight (Kg) | 22 (21.5) |
尺寸(全长x全宽x全高) Dimensions(L x W x H ) (mm) | 347x395x440 |
发动机输出轴转速 Speed set-no load 高速High/低速Low (r/min ) | 2000 ±50(4000 ±100) /600 ±50 ( 1250±100 ) |